M39 ( NGC 7092 ) è un ammasso aperto
che si trova in una zona di cielo particolarmente affollato di stelle della Via Lattea, nella costellazione del Cigno distante dalla terra 825 anni-luce.
Si può trovare facilmente con un binocolo 10x50 a nord di Deneb, compreso tra la costellazione della Lucertola e la costellazione Cefeo.
M39 (NGC 7092) is an open cluster located in an area of particularly crowded sky of stars of the Milky Way in the constellation Cygnus distant from the earth 825 years-light.
You can easily find with binoculars 10x50 north of Deneb, between the constellation of the constellation Cepheus and Lizard.
M39 (NGC 7092) is an open cluster located in an area of particularly crowded sky of stars of the Milky Way in the constellation Cygnus distant from the earth 825 years-light.
You can easily find with binoculars 10x50 north of Deneb, between the constellation of the constellation Cepheus and Lizard.
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A.R. 21h31m48s Decl. +48°25'59'' |
Vista la sua vicinanza da noi ha una
magnitudine apparente di 4,6 e si può notare ad occhi nudi in una notte serena senza inquinamento luminoso.
L'ammasso aperto è di classe II 3mn
avente un'età compresa tra i 230 e 300 milioni di anni con delle
dimensioni reali di 7 anni-luce e con una dimensione apparente di 32,0'.
Contiene almeno 30 stelle con
magnitudine inferiore all'undicesima e le 12 più brillanti sono del tipo A e B
La stella più luminosa, HD 205331, è
una bianca di tipo spettrale A0 con una
magnitudine apparente di 6,83.
Le foto di seguito sono state scattate il 02/09/2013 dove M39 era molto alto nel cielo, vicino allo zenit.
Fotografata con Newton Skywatcher 150/750, HEQ5 PRO, Nikon D5000.
8 frame da 47'' cadauna per un totale di 376''.
6 dark da 47'' cadauno per un totale di 282''
Given its proximity to us has an apparent magnitude of 4.6 and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night with no light pollution.
The open cluster is a Class II 3mn having an age between 230 and 300 million years with the actual size of 7 years and with a light-apparent size of 32.0 '.
Contains at least 30 stars with magnitude less than the eleventh and the twelfth brightest are of type A and B
The brightest star, HD 205331, is a white spectral type A0 with a
apparent magnitude of 6.83.
The pictures below were taken on 02.09.2013 where M39 was very high in the sky near the zenith.
Photographed with Skywatcher Newton 150/750, HEQ5 PRO, Nikon D5000.
8 frames to 47'' each, for a total of 376.''
6 dark by 47'' each for a total of 282''
Given its proximity to us has an apparent magnitude of 4.6 and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night with no light pollution.
The open cluster is a Class II 3mn having an age between 230 and 300 million years with the actual size of 7 years and with a light-apparent size of 32.0 '.
Contains at least 30 stars with magnitude less than the eleventh and the twelfth brightest are of type A and B
The brightest star, HD 205331, is a white spectral type A0 with a
apparent magnitude of 6.83.
The pictures below were taken on 02.09.2013 where M39 was very high in the sky near the zenith.
Photographed with Skywatcher Newton 150/750, HEQ5 PRO, Nikon D5000.
8 frames to 47'' each, for a total of 376.''
6 dark by 47'' each for a total of 282''
Di seguito riporto alcuni oggetti peculiari interessanti che sono raffigurati nell'immagine dell'ammasso aperto M39 che sono interessanti per un prossimo studio fotometrico.
HD 204917 è una variabile sospetta posta alle coordinate 21h30m18.9'' ; +48°23'27'' di classe spettrale A1V con temperatura superficiale fra i 7500 e 10.000 K quando sono della sequenza principale.
Come si vede, queste tipo di stelle appaiono di un colore celeste chiaro / azzurro chiaro.
Questa stella sembra avere un'escursione di magnitudine tra 7.35 e 7.38.
Below we report some peculiar objects of interest that are shown in the image storage under open M39 that are interesting for the near photometric study.
HD 204 917 is a variable suspicious mail to the coordinates 21h30m18.9''; +48 ° 23'27'' of spectral A1V with a surface temperature between 7,500 K and 10,000 when they are on the main sequence.
As you can see, these type of stars appear with a light turquoise / light blue.
This star seems to have an excursion of magnitude between 7.35 and 7.38.
Below we report some peculiar objects of interest that are shown in the image storage under open M39 that are interesting for the near photometric study.
HD 204 917 is a variable suspicious mail to the coordinates 21h30m18.9''; +48 ° 23'27'' of spectral A1V with a surface temperature between 7,500 K and 10,000 when they are on the main sequence.
As you can see, these type of stars appear with a light turquoise / light blue.
This star seems to have an excursion of magnitude between 7.35 and 7.38.
V622 Cyg è una stella variabile irregolari giganti che la si trova alle coordinate 21h32m40.1'' ; +48°42'19'' di classe spettrale M5.
V622 Cyg is a giant irregular variable star that is located at the coordinates 21h32m40.1''; +48 ° 42'19'' of spectral class M5.
This star oscillates between photographic magnitudes 14.3 and 15.5.
A breve con un altro report osservativo.
Alberto Tieppo.
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